The Barefoot Investor – by Scott Pape

I highly recommend this book.  If you are slightly concerned at all about your money and your finances this guy makes it incredibly simple to sort out and give you confidence for your future and your retirement.  And that means no matter how old you are.  He talks to 60 and 70 year olds as well about sorting out their retirement.  It’s never too late.

He’s very no nonsense.  He’s not quick wins.  He just helps you sort out what you need to do.  But he doesn’t sugar coat it either.  e.g. stop wasting money on cars when you have debt to pay off, get a second job to pay off your bad debt, sort out your work to earn more money, cut up your credit cards.  He also importantly talks about splurges and having fun.  He factors this in.  He wants to you have a fun great life doing all the things you love doing.  And he doesn’t believe in budgets – hallelujah!

He tells you ‘exactly’ what to do.  Which accounts at which banks to open.  Which places give the best home loan deals.  The company to go to for the lowest cost/high performance superannuation.  He gives the exact numbers you will save if you do these things.  He tells you when to see an accountant or a financial planner and how much to pay for it.  He explains insurance in very simple smart terms and doesn’t try to sell you that you need a lot!  He gives you actual scripts to ring the bank etc to get a better deal.

And it’s an easy easy read.  I read it in a day.  It’s reassuring.

I’ve been reading his free regular emails for a while now – I suggest you sign up.  He was a big part of me paying off my bad debt.  And it’s the best feeling reading the book and him explaining where that fits in – and paying off the debt has set me up to have the best life because once I’ve achieved that I can achieve anything.

9/10 for me.

Be kind to yourself.
