I start watching kids. As someone without kids I’ve often seen them as a bit of a bother when they are in my space.
But here’s the thing. There were little kids being thrown off their Dad’s shoulders – straight into the air, as twists, as somersaults, in all sorts of crazy ways. And the pure joy on the kids faces, the Dad’s face, the Mum’s face – everyone was just such a pleasure to watch. It made me smile. it was like all their dreams had come true. Everything they ever wanted in life had come true. They were totally caught up in the now and couldn’t possibly ever imagine anything any better.
Then I saw some kids arrive and see the pools for the first times. Their eyes are as wide as saucers. Huge big grins. This is total paradise. ‘Can we go in, can we go in? Can we can we can we cane we put-leeeease’.
How do we get this excitement back in our lives as adults. Surely a big pool of water might seem lovely but it’s not going to feel like it’s the best thing that has ever happened to us and we can’t live without it. How can we be more like children? Excited about what is in front of us right now? Grateful for the amazing adventure? Waking up on holidays in sheer bliss to jump out of bed straight away and rush out there just to throw a ball around in the pool or get buried in sand or build a sandcastle or laugh at waves? How can we get major excitement from the little things. Instead of hurrying on to the next? Can we step on crunchy leaves? How do we stop and smell the roses and feel it’s the best rose that ever existed????? What if we thought like children just sometimes? Just here and there – we took a break and appreciated the sheer joy and bliss and happiness and love around us? And did a happy dance? When was the last time you jumped up and down or cried tears of joy????
Be kind to yourself.
And you to tease you, here is another photo of my holiday paradise…