I’m thinking if we set ourselves a challenge each week, big or small, we will be able to achieve some big things this year. Each week’s results would add up. And of course it will look good on my whiteboard. We all need a reason to do things!
So my first weekly challenge for this year (and yes it’s week 2 and if you like things neat and tidy like me we will pretend that week 1’s challenge was doing a weekly video – done, tick – and if you aren’t that anal then just start where you are…) is going to be a $10 per day spending limit challenge. It’s just a what if. What if I try it? What does it feel like? What differences will it make to my life? Let’s just be curious. Let’s not beat myself up if something comes up and I don’t make it. But it will provide a focus for me on what things cost and where I often waste money (I really don’t need $40 worth of cheese living on my own).
What if you were to do a weekly challenge? What if you could see it as fun? What if you were curious? What if it was something that would make your life better? What if it would make you feel good about yourself? What if it brought you more happiness?
Be kind to yourself.
This is actually a really good challenge. When I first started in business (back in the olden days) I used to play this game albeit out of necessity. Being so long ago, I did it with $5 and I had to make it last the whole week though. I’d start the week with only $5 in my wallet and see if I could last the week without spending it all. Learned three things:
1) how much money you waste if you don’t keep track of it
2) how easy it is to NOT spend if you do smart things like make your own lunch, don’t buy the newspaper, etc
3) that it creates great habits that can last a lifetime. I still do the same thing, though with slightly more money and I’m fortunate enough to not have to be too worried if I make it or not.
In my experience, ever person that creates material prosperity for themselves in their life, plays games like this with their money. So – great idea Wendy!!
It’s so fascinating learning what works for people. And I love that things that work we often keep doing forever. I still write down every $1 I spend and put it in a spreadsheet. I can’t begin to fathom how you survived on $5 for a whole week!!!!!!! It can’t have been that long ago… I’m excited to see what I get out of the week ahead. I’m learning wildly wealthy is about belief and taking action. It will come with enough gratitude and faith in your dreams but you also have to do things. 2017 is going to be amazing. x
Good luck Wendy. I know you can do this. Last year I gave up alcohol for 6 weeks. Prior to having the 6 week break, it dawned on me that for about 30 days, there was probably only one or two days where I didn’t drink. I felt so unhealthy after a month of solid boozing and spending lots of money on alcohol. So I challenged myself for 6 weeks without alcohol to detox my liver and save some money. However, I knew deep down that 6 weeks dry may not be entirely possible, so if I felt the need to reward myself, I would allow myself to have a glass or two of wine. I felt very proud of myself as during the 6 weeks, I only had two glasses of wine as a reward for being so good and boy did I savour and enjoy every sip of those two glasses. You can do anything you put your mind to and you don’t have to beat yourself up if you have a little slip up or one day this week and you go over the $10. Who knows there might be some days where you don’t even spent $10. I am saving up for a holiday in six weeks and I am looking at doing a similar challenge to your $10 challenge. Like Patrick mentioned, I will be bringing my lunch to work and I’ll think twice about buying things that I don’t really need.
Thank you for your support and encouragement! I’m feeling totally confident. It’s only 7 days. And day one has been fabulous, spent $9.25 and that really included stocking up on a couple of things just in case. Will organise a progress blog post. I think your point about how proud you feel after achieving a goal that might be a little difficult is so true. It is more than worth it at the end. And it’s definitely worth it for you going on holidays – the best motivation for less spending and more saving!!! Tiny steps to making our dreams come true. x
I absolutely love this $10 a day challenge! Looking forward to hearing your progress during the week.
All on track – $9.25 spent Monday and shopping lists done until Friday. And still eating some organic food. I also had some supplies at home already so that made things much much easier. It’s still making me feel very very good. And I’m actually having fun! x