Iris is the story of Iris Apfel – a 93yo woman living in New York City in 2013. She became famous for being an interior designer during her lifetime but is now a huge fashion icon. I’m not particularly into fashion. I like a bit of quirky and that’s about as far as it goes for me. But I adored this movie. It’s her passion. She couldn’t be more passionate. And that is contagious. She is absolutely consumed with fashion. That includes high end as well as haggling in market stalls. She is so colourful and fun and individual. Right up my alley. She is totally swamped in colour and accessories at all times. Iris is not apologetic for anything in her life. I adore her. She is my kind of woman.
Iris likes to speak her mind. Here are a couple of her gems:
“I don’t see anything so wrong with a wrinkle. It’s kind of a badge of courage.”
“Black isn’t style, it’s a uniform.”
She was nicknamed the Octogenarian Starlet. How gorgeous. And she still gets around to fashion shows with her walking cane, is on the front cover of magazines, has exhibitions in museums and refuses to have plastic surgery.
4 out of 5 stars for this fabulous documentary.