Welcome to February. How was January? Interestingly if you were to ask me, I’d say pretty good. Yet when I look at my whiteboard, I realise the real answer is January was AMAZING.
This the power I get from my whiteboard. A constant reminder of all the great things I have done. While your head can get caught up in what you didn’t achieve and conveniently forget so many of the good things, the whiteboard shows you the real picture of all your success. It’s the best feeling. Plus there are only positives on the whiteboard so it helps to focus your mind in the right place.
Do you think you want one yet? What do you do to feel good about yourself? Do you use reminders to keep you inspired to greatness? Or other tools to motivate you on your journey? How do you know you are getting closer to your dreams? Who do you want to be?
Be kind to yourself.