So it was Australia Day end of January. I was having a quiet one at home for my week of no drinking, no TV, meditating and yoga.
There was a free fair/concert up the road. So I walked 3km to Enmore Park to see Diesel. He was going to be on 7.45pm to 8.30pm and then fireworks. Bit of fun right? No pressure, easy.
Found a great quiet spot off to the side when I arrived about 7.15pm to see the end of the previous band. Ate my leftovers for dinner. Feeling good.
Then the people standing next to me edged closer and closer until the men were nearly standing on top of me and the women from the same group stood in front of me while I was sitting down. Yes, STOOD in front of a person sitting down to obviously watch a show….
My natural reaction was:
- You people are so rude
- Bloody people with children (apologies to all the good people with children out there)
- Do you have no respect for anyone else but yourselves
I stayed sitting for a song to see what happened. Occasionally they turned around and saw me sitting there but they didn’t move. I then stood up and moved elsewhere for a song but it was boring so I walked home. I started off annoyed. It didn’t work because people are rude, it was weird being a single person and not drinking. Poor me. ‘Should, should, should’ about the world and people and me.
But then I actually calmed down and realised, I tried it, and it wasn’t for me. And you know what, that’s ok!!!! Not everything has to work out how you think it will work out. And so many things in life don’t turn out how we expect them to. So we can either hold on to some very annoyed resentment or we can just let it go because it really doesn’t matter. I ended up walking home before dark and felt good. I’d been out. I’d tried something new. I got a whole pile of extra exercise instead of sitting around at home alone on Australia Day.
Can we let go of expectations and how things ‘should’ be. Why ‘should’ things be a certain way? Who says? Where is the universal law?
An excellent lesson for me in letting go. And just accepting what is. And feeling peaceful with what is.
Be kind to yourself.