You don’t have to be a morning person. You don’t have to do yoga. You don’t have to eat 3 meals a day. You don’t have to wear the latest fashions. You don’t have to be a minimalist. You don’t have to use adult colouring in books. You don’t have to follow current investment advice. You don’t have to love green smoothies. You don’t have to go to big parties. You don’t have to travel. You don’t have to be on Facebook. You don’t have to know who Pete Evans is. You don’t have to read to the end of the book. You don’t have to spend time worrying what other people will think. You don’t have to like having a bath. You don’t have to enjoy massages.
You CAN do whatever makes you feel good. You know more about you than anyone else ever will. Do what makes you love life. Don’t listen to other people. As Tony Robbins says “I am not your guru”. No one is your guru. Do your thing and love it. Don’t do someone else’s thing. Don’t compare you to other people. Their happiness is theirs to be concerned about. You don’t have to like the same things. You like what you like – so why not spend more time doing that???? Isn’t that a really simple answer to more enjoyment in life?
Do what you want to do. What makes you feel good. What fills your heart. What excites you. Do it well or do it badly. Who even said it was good or bad? Just do what you enjoy. Do it because you love it. Do what makes you laugh. Do what makes you happy. (Sure if you love a whole packet of Tim Tams do it – but if you only love it for that 5 minutes and then feel guilty then maybe don’t do it – maybe that doesn’t make you feel good).
Do stuff with people you want to do stuff with. People that are positive and make you feel good about yourself. People that accept you for who you are. People that get excited about your plans. What if you gave up the ‘shoulds’, the burdens and the negative people? What if you said no? Would it be the end of the world?
Experiment. Do your own thing. Do you like things or do you just think you should like them? Then just do what you like. We all don’t have to be the same. No matter what the ‘experts’ say. Allow yourself to like what you like. No judgements, no comparisons.
Be kind to yourself (because I think this does feel good)