WOW. What an eye opener. I loved this book. I’m struggling to get through some books at the moment but this one I couldn’t put down and finished in 2 days. The tip of my iceberg is totally ‘life natural’ and that’s who I thought I was. But I’ve learnt that I’m not. I nodded my head at everything in her book (except the OCD stuff) and the biggest gift is that it’s given me permission for more self care, more self acceptance, more space, more experiments, more self love and most importantly more BEING KIND TO MYSELF. The hugest thanks Sarah. What a raw vulnerable book that I honestly believe everyone should read – for the anxious to have hope, and for the non anxious to understand a little better. You are a lighthouse.
My instant reaction to this book was to feel unsettled yet reassured. I feel like I fit in and like I don’t fit in. I think that is the point – we are all different, on different journeys, with different struggles – acceptance and self nurture is essential in today’s busy overwhelming world. I’ve been made to think, A LOT, about myself. I’ve done a lot of journalling about my feelings while reading this book. I feel more accepting after reading this book. More accepting of myself and more accepting of others. However I still feel less accepting about negativity. I struggle with any negativity right now. Maybe it’s because of all my changes that I am so focussed on the next steps and taking responsibility for my life. Negativity still seems like blaming someone else rather than looking inside and dealing with what’s there. And that’s a big key to this book.
In my opinion the big messages were firstly to be kinder to yourself (and there are so many practical suggestions for how to do this) and secondly to really work on yourself. To work on your limiting beliefs, to sit with the pain, to move forward from childhood issues, to understand we are strong enough to do this. The work is uncomfortable and often very painful but it makes the rest of your life so much easier. She invites you do this work. And to practice self care while doing this. Love the scared little child inside. Nurture, support and attend to this little child. Provide a safe environment for this child and the feelings the child has brought into your adult life now. Teach the child that he/she is deserving, worthy and loveable. You are ENOUGH.
What if you were to sit with your feelings? Does the idea put a hard ball of fear in your chest or does it feel like it might lighten the load? Who could help you if you didn’t feel you were ready to do it alone? It can make a big difference dealing with all the commentary in your head – especially all our negative self talk. Every time I sort out a limiting belief in my head and deal with fears my life becomes more manageable. I keep realising that the things I think are true of the world are actually just made up – they were taught to me while I was growing up and I don’t need to live my life anymore with old beliefs that don’t suit a modern world. Or suit the sort of life I want for myself. There seems to be more ease and joy. Are you prepared to go through some tough work to make your life better? Can you find space to go within to accept and find some peace?
Be kind to yourself.