I am in awe of our phenomenal minds. I’m learning so much about mine. With more and more training I am realising I can tell my mind what to think and with practice it just starts thinking that. And this might seem a bit obvious but it just blows me away. After having the same thoughts for 45 years and firmly 100% believing my thoughts to be true, being able to change them is like a big magic trick.
The best change for me has been letting go of the ‘average’ tag I gave myself. I didn’t want to seem up myself, I didn’t think I was exceptional, I just have a normal job and yet I am only these things when I choose to be these things. Just because I’m not a brain surgeon doesn’t mean I’m not smart. Just because I’m not Oprah Winfrey doesn’t mean I’m not capable of making a difference in the world. Just because I’m celebrating my successes, no matter how big or small, doesn’t mean I am an arrogant prat.
The concept of people being entrepreneurs, creative people, business people, ideas people were a whole other universe to me. Absolutely NOTHING to do with me. Never me. Not who I am. That’s for other people. ‘Those’ people.
And yet here I am this morning thinking how cool it would be for my tall niece to start a business about tall and happy chicks! Start a Instagram page with inspiring quotes from tall people, interview tall people about how they overcame what they didn’t like about being tall to loving it. She could tell her story about being surrounded by a short happy sister, short happy mother and short happy Aunt and how this made life a bit difficult at times. She could learn so much through helping other people and then talk about her story as inspiration to other people. She could write the best book – and it could even be a tall lean book. I love it. Imagine how wonderful that would be for tall gangly awkward teenage girls to have someone to make them feel better. So as much as it’s a business idea it’s really about helping other people. Giving back, giving service. And making your own life better in the meantime.
Then I started thinking about my sister. Imagine her changing her mindset from scarcity to abundance and changing her hoarding habits. And inspiring others to do the same. It’s never too late to change how you think. She could be the role model for change in your 60s. The role model for a new way of thinking. And it’s also about helping yourself to help others. I just feel so incredibly excited about these ideas.
I hated learning at school. I love learning now. Maybe it’s because it’s stuff I’m interested in. And because what I learn these days makes me happier and makes my life better. I’m learning how to change my thinking and that provides me with so much more opportunity. It helps me get out of my small safe world and start exploring what’s possible. It helps me to just be curious to try things rather than feel I shouldn’t do things because I probably won’t be very good anyway. Someone else is better at it already so why would I bother. This idea of perfection stops us from doing so many things.
The point is, anything IS possible. It’s up to you. You can train your brain to believe what you want to believe. You can let go of being annoyed that someone cuts you off in a car or walking down the street. Because it doesn’t make a difference to your life. Let it go. You can train your mind to let you take steps out of comfort zone. You can train your mind to realise that fears aren’t real. They are based on YOUR past experiences, not on how the whole world actually is. You can train your brain that you are important and you matter. Looking after yourself is essential. You are your number one priority. If you’re not ok how can you look after anyone else? So you must come first. Your mental, spiritual and physical health. Self love.
What do you believe about yourself to be true and it will never change? What if it could change? How different would your life be? Easier? Happier? Bigger? More fun, excitement, satisfaction, love? What if you could train your brain to think whatever you want to think to feel good?
Be kind to yourself.