Today is a day that went right. It felt great. I felt happy, grateful and at my best. How do we get more of these?
I think the key is to work out what matters to you. Work out what makes you happy. Do those things.
Sounds simple but obviously it’s not or else we would all be doing it every single day. But the days where everything feels like it goes right seem to be rare.
This was my Saturday:
- Doctor for overdue tests (and new doctor after issues with my old one)
- Extra groceries (finally found some environmentally friendly baking paper)
- Cooked an egg on spelt toast
- Had a morning tea treat from the health food store – cacao banana chia parfait
- Cup of tea (my favourite, organic earl grey)
- Coached someone and it felt amazing that she was positive at the end when it was a topic she had been feeling a little anxious about
- Did a 30 minute prosperity meditation
- Yoga
- Cooked pork cassoulet
- Made @wholefoodsimply ‘Not Quite a Mars Bar’
- Washed up from the week and cleaned the kitchen
- Load of washing
- Dishwasher on and emptied
- 3 instagram posts
- More of my life coaching assignment
- 80% of my tax return including sorting out all the paperwork
- Wrote a testimonial
- Lewis Howes Instagram training
- Watched some Suits while cooking
- Exfoliated my face and put a mask on
- Didn’t have any alcohol
- Got out the pliers and fixed my favourite pair of earrings
- Bought myself $10 flowers (so love the smell of jonquils)
- Was deliriously happy about the incredible blue sky
- Smiled and daydreamed A LOT about the new man in my life
- Added heaps of adventures to the list of things we want to do together on Trello
OMG I was a machine. I was exhausted when I went to bed. But the thing is I didn’t feel I missed out on a fun Saturday. I didn’t feel other people were having more fun than me. I didn’t feel annoyed that I was working. I had no FOMO. I felt incredibly proud to be living my best life. Because the thing is, this is not the sort of person I have been. I haven’t been a person with big dreams, taking steps to make those dreams happen. I was scared of hard work. I didn’t feel I had control over my destiny. I believed I was a 9 to 5 person and that was it. There was nothing more for me. I’d been taught growing up that’s how life goes. Good stable job. Don’t rock the boat. Don’t put yourself out there – it’s showing off, you aren’t the be all and end all, you are no better than anyone else so don’t even attempt to be a lighthouse. Of course then I found Louise Hay and very slowly over the years I learnt more and more about how my mind works. And how I could change my thoughts. And then taking 5 months off this year with a constant focus on improving my mind opened up my beliefs to anything being possible. I am just as deserving as anyone else. We are all unique and have gifts to offer the world. Our stories matter. Just give it a go, you don’t have to be the best for it to make a difference. Be vulnerable. Be real. You just have to care and be enthusiastic and keep learning/practicing. We can all make a difference in small ways. I even cancelled a lunch with a lovely friend this weekend because getting my assignments for my course, and my tax return, were more important to me right now than fun. So I’ve been consistently working to get things done and it feels amazing. I feel like a different person. It helps improve my confidence and believe I can do so much more. I think we put ourselves in boxes of what we can and cannot do when we honestly are capable of so much more if we just push even a little bit. So instead of food and wine, I ticked things off lists. And I absolutely adored it. I went to bed feeling blissfully happy. And in control. More belief in myself and my life.
It’s now Sunday morning. I don’t want to go for a run but I know that afterwards it will be another part of a day that goes right. And I think there is something to be said about starting the day in the same way you plan to proceed. Do something that makes you feel amazing – and that sets you up for an amazing day. That puts your mindset in a positive space to begin the day.
Things can go so right or so wrong very easily. But maybe we have more control over that than we think. Maybe we can choose to focus on the feel good aspects of the day. Instead of focussing on the things that didn’t work the way we wanted. I had wanted to go for a run yesterday but felt a little average after a couple of glasses of wine the night before. Would’ve been easy to be disappointed with myself all day. I did yoga instead. I’ve still done exercise for my body and my mind. It’s still a win. I watched TV which doesn’t usually make me feel good – but it was my first TV all week and I was cooking and just letting it be what it was. I gave myself permission because I’d achieved so much all day already. It was also cold which I really don’t enjoy. I just cranked up the heater. It was sunny and I was inside most of the day doing work, but the achievement was my happy place. These things could easily have made me think I was having a bad day but my mind found the positives and got excited about them instead.
I’ve been talking to one of my clients about procrastinating. I wasn’t procrastinating yesterday and that is the best feeling. I was just doing the things that needed to be done. I’ve noticed I’ve been procrastinating a bit lately. And one of my coaches even pointed out to me last week (from a very loving place) that just maybe it appeared I was avoiding a few things. She was spot on. A huge a-ha for me. So the fact I just did what needed to be done yesterday without thinking about it, without dreading it, made me feel like a complete hero. I nearly looked forward to the washing up because I wasn’t focussing on how much I hate it, I was focussing on how good it was going to feel when I had finished it!
Are the days that go right the ones where we have the right mindset? Because we choose the right things to focus on? Because we feel like a hero? Because we searched for joy and fun? Because we were kind to ourselves? Because we appreciated so much? Because our hard work previously paid off? Because we felt like the best version of ourselves? Because we were full of love for ourselves, the world and others?
Is is possible for us to make our days go right? Is it always within our control? Can we take action to get more and more days that go right? Days that feel right?
Be kind to yourself.