So this is the way I see it. I’m fairly new to this but have been focussing on the basics for a fair bit of the last year. Here’s a couple of examples for how I think it works. It’s all about your feelings.
THE GOOD – You know how when you’re about to go on holidays you think about it all the time? You daydream about it. You see yourself there feeling fabulous. You imagine your pure joy. You are consumed with feelings of excitement, joy and anticipation about it. You can’t wait. You desperately want to be there now. And then you get there and it is just so gorgeous and amazing and everything in life seems great? It’s what you imagined. You want to be there forever. You are in bliss.
THE BAD – And then on the other side of that, you wake up thinking today is going to be a bad day. And suddenly everything seems to go wrong, one thing after the other. It is a bad day. You knew it would be, and it was. People were difficult, traffic was bad, trains were delayed, queues for lunch were longer than usual, unexpected bills are in the mail box, your home loan interest rate goes up, you burn garlic bread for dinner, you find a hole in your favourite shirt… You get the idea. You’ve had those days. Nothing works how you wanted it to work.
So think about these two extremes. The first one FEELS amazing. The second FEELS awful. You know you don’t want to be there. What if you had the ability to change this?
Well this to me is the key to the law of attraction. What you focus on is what you get. You believe something will be wonderful and it is (a holiday) or you believe it’s going to be the day from hell and it is. And you say ‘I told you so’ to anyone that will listen.
That’s why I loved this book so much. It’s a really sensible first step into the laws of attraction. It doesn’t expect you to go from today is going to be rubbish to feeling madly in love with life. That’s a totally unrealistic proposition. It doesn’t work because you will never believe what you are thinking. You can’t FEEL it. But the idea of just slightly reaching for a better feeling is possible. It’s doable. Ie maybe today won’t be a total disaster. That feels a little better. And feeling a little better will usually attract things that are a little better into your life. And that makes you feel better because something better than first expected happens. Then you can work on a better feeling, and then a better feeling etc. It starts a positive upward cycle.
Worst case scenario, even if you don’t believe any of this, surely just having a better feeling thought would make life much more pleasant (whether it attracts anything to you or not). Doesn’t that sounds like a good plan?
I honestly believe that my new philosophy in life is to feel good. Feels superficial in some ways but the more I work through it, the more it feels exactly right. My biggest issue was it seemed way too selfish to have your number one point in life being about yourself. But I’m learning more and more that the better I am, the better impact I can have on the world. The happier I am, the more happiness I can bring to other people. The more I know, the more I can teach. The healthier I am the more energy I have to give. The more I love myself the more love I have for others. So therefore the more I feel good (fantastic, fabulous, fulfilled, proud, happy, content, on track, excited, joyful) the more of that I have to share with everyone else. That sits well with me. That feels like a wonderful purpose to have. To be a better person to have a bigger impact on the world. All by FEELING GOOD. Doing things that make you feel good, that light you up, that expand your heart, that bring you joy, that make you smile, that make you feel grateful, that make everything seem right in the world. Don’t we all want more of that?
If you are interested in more about this but would prefer a more scientific approach, check out a book called E-Squared by Pam Grout. The book is really simple quick experiments you do yourself about focussing your thoughts to get certain results. Every time I do one it freaks me out how clever it is and how much it reminds me to always always focus on good thoughts.
I suggest doing everything in your power to feel good. What have you got to lose?????
Be kind to yourself.