There is just over a quarter of the year to go. What is the one thing that you could do that would make you feel wonderful on new year’s eve? That would make this year seem like a great one?
Think about it for a bit. Mull over it. Find something that feels good. Not something that feels too hard, too scary or too difficult. Something that excites you. Something that lights you up. And then visualise yourself having done it. See in your mind what that looks like. Imagine how it feels. Write down those feelings – happiness, joy, excitement, pride, contentment, peace, calmness, hope, confidence, enthusiasm – whatever they are for you. Write down your goal in a sentence as if you have achieved it. But it must be a positive sentence! For example, I am so incredibly happy and joyful that I love myself and feel worthy to put myself first.
Do the usual things then by breaking down the goal into manageable action steps. What needs to happen each week. Then here is the beautiful part. Our brains work to help us either get pleasure or avoid pain. Use this to your advantage. Firstly by writing a list of 10 consequences of not achieving this goal. And then 10 benefits of achieving the goal. Put this list somewhere you will see it. READ IT EVERY DAY. It will motivate you to want to get all the benefits. And if it’s a goal that makes you feel good, you will attract it more easily into your life. Because the rules of the law of attraction are that like attracts like. And then secondly, put together a celebration plan. For ALL the actions and the goal. A lot of clients tell me it feels silly to celebrate such small actions but it’s all about rewiring your brain. Your brain does things to get pleasure, so it wants to do the small actions so it gets the pleasure/the celebration. It’s such an important step. I can’t stress this enough. It’s not just motivation to finalise the big goal. It’s part of rewiring your brain to help you become more successful at everything you do. Use this to your advantage. Eg, I didn’t rescue anyone today and my reward is getting to read a novel for 30 minutes. What’s yours? I often hear that people don’t know how to celebrate. We don’t know how to reward ourselves. We are trained for punishment at school to get assignments done. We only know consequences, we don’t know how to work with benefits. But you deserve pleasure in life. What other point is there in life but to feel good? When you feel good, you feel happy, you spread that to other people – to your kids, your partner, your family, your clients, your workmates. This is what makes the world feel better. It makes everything seem more simply and enjoyable. Maybe your goal is to spend the rest of this year learning to celebrate. Wouldn’t that be a glorious goal?
Let’s end 2017 on a high!!!!! It’s not too late for you to make really good things happen. Let’s use this time to feel great so that when next year starts, we have the confidence and faith in ourselves that we will easily achieve any intentions we may set for the new year.
I love the excitement of people finding feel good goals and the pure joy every time they do the action to get them closer and closer to the goal. If you want some support to nut out your goals, work through what makes you feel good, check you’ve got the right actions in place or create a celebration plan, I’d love to get excited with you about what’s possible. Get in touch with me at wendyesky@hotmail.com 🙂
Be kind to yourself.