Lewis Howes does one of my favourite podcasts ‘The School of Greatness’ that has really authentic interviews with inspiring people. At the end of every interview he asks them what their 3 truths are. The 3 key lessons/ things they know to be true/ most important things in life etc. It made me start thinking about mine. My 3 turned into 5. And that’s ok because after all I am slowly learning to let go of rules that don’t suit me.
1. Self love
I would not have achieved anything over the last year without focussing on this key aspect. The more I love myself, choose to treat myself with loving kindness, compassion and nurture the more seems to flow into my life. Why would someone else love you if you don’t love you???? Love yourself and you will have more love to give to the world, and that will attract more love back to you. Be a role model. If I can love me, then other people can also love themselves and start to support themselves more, nurture themselves more, care about themselves and have permission to start living the sort of life they want.
2. Gratitude (appreciation, focusing on good the stuff and the abundance, not the lack or scarcity)
It’s taken a while but the laws of attraction are slowly starting to sink in for me. What we put out there we attract back. If you are grumpy you will start attracting grumpy people into your life and more things will happen to make you grumpy. But if you really appreciate your home, your health, the important people in your life, your job, it’s like karma – the good stuff starts flowing back. Why would the universe send you more money if you can’t look after what you’ve got already? Why would the universe send you better health if you’re not already looking after your health? The happiest people are the ones that seem to be truly grateful for what they have. And it attracts more things in life to be grateful for. Same with the idea that we have so much in life right now – anyone reading this post has internet access, the ability to read, can see, and more than likely enough food to eat and shelter every day. Do we appreciate these things? Or do we focus on what we don’t have? There is so much money out there in the universe, so much health, so much happiness, so much love – everything is infinite. Why fight for things and be incredibly competitive when we have the choice to have anything we want. I’m not saying it’s easy to get anything you want but you can choose.
3. Letting go
The more we resist, the more the universe resists. “I really really really don’t want to make any more changes to this document” and suddenly you need to do changes you never ever would’ve expected. Last week when I let go and realised the universe won’t give me anything I can’t handle and therefore I will get board papers done on time, there were miraculously no changes.
When I go for a run without pressuring myself that it has to be fast, I get personal bests.
When I let go of expectations and just get curious about what might happen, usually it’s something good. Anyway a whole post on this on its own over here.
4. Growth/learning/out of comfort zone
When do you feel your best? For me now it’s when I do things that scare me. When I achieve things I never in my life dreamed I could’ve done. Was I petrified before my first ever park run? You bet – could barely get myself out of the toilet I was so nervous. And suddenly a few months later I go to one on my own in a foreign country. And I enjoyed it. Glorious run and really friendly people. Same with spin. Same with the first time I coached someone. (Actually coaching still makes me nervous because it’s so important to me to be brilliant – to really be able to make a difference in people’s lives. To be able to make them feel better about themselves and their lives – so maybe it’s a good thing I will always be a little nervous – just like an actor who wants to give their best performance every night). This year I’ve also done fasting days, used only cold water at the end of showers, been for a photoshoot with a stranger bursting through a wall of water screaming, worked through lots of loneliness when life was a bit tough and people you would expect to be there for you were not, writing posts, making changes to a website, asking for testimonials, saying no to people, talking about my real feelings. So much scary but so so so so much good feeling when it’s done.
5. The need for goals
I’m finding goals to be nearly spooky. I write down goals that seem unachievable for me on big pieces of paper and stick them on my lounge room wall and they often make me feel so sick I want to take them straight down. I don’t want to disappoint myself. I don’t want to be a failure. I want to provide helpful ideas to people to maybe make life a little better, not just come up with ideas that make you fail and feel bad. Two of the goals I have written for next year have already come true (been completed). How freaky is that? And I was scared to write them down for next year. Do we all underestimate ourselves too much? What would it be like to challenge ourselves a little more? I’ve said it before but what if we are all so much more capable than we believe we are? What if we started believing in ourselves a little more????
Be kind to yourself.