What if we let go of perfectionism and redefined how we do Christmas?
What’s most important to us as human beings these days? Is it things? Or do we really have everything we need? Is there anything else we truly want or it’s just a copy of something we already have? Why do we want it?
Think back to the best Xmas you’ve ever had? Was it because you got the best present? Ate the best food or had the best decorations? Does anyone ever remember the decorations and the food? What if we focused on simplicity? I know my favourite Christmas was playing in the pool for hours with all the nieces and nephews and laughing my head off. Sausages on the BBQ. Not the fancy stuff, not the presents, but the laughing, the chatting, the sitting and resting. Feeling loved, feeling safe, feeling good. Feeling surrounded by fun, love, laughter and happiness. It’s like Xmas day in some ways can be about letting go. Just being you and feeling good about it.
But does this letting go have to wait until the afternoon once we’ve slaved away all morning (all week, all month) to make things perfect for people?
I also loved one of the Christmases after Mum died when I didn’t feel like being surrounded by family because I was missing her. So I spent the day on my own. I redefined my Xmas. I went to the movies – my beautiful independent movie theatre which is my happy place. I saw 2 movies. I walked 50mins there and 50mins back and l listened to all the laughter from kids in back yards and riding new bikes on the street and felt at peace. I cracked a bottle of french champagne and ate a cheese platter when I got home. I did what suited me.
When did Christmas become a competition? What if we made it simple, took some pressure off ourselves????
And how do presents all fit in here? Do we need to buy the best thing? If people don’t need things and need our time can’t we give them that? A hand made voucher to a picnic with them, to cooking them dinner, to taking them out to dinner, to an afternoon of new adventures, to spending an evening helping them clean out their wardrobe, giving them your favourite mid week recipe, shopping with them at grower’s markets? Whatever they love doing, give them some company. Would that be more valuable? Is time more precious than money these days? Or do we need to show off our presents to feel more loved? Should we be doing courses together to inspire us, remind ourselves we are enough?
What makes you feel good? What makes the important people in your life feel good? Isn’t talking about this and doing more of these things what really matters?
Be kind to yourself.