Think about a time when you were truly happy, content, satisfied, full of joy. Close your eyes and picture that time. What was it like? See the big smile on your face. What if you could get that time back? What would it be like? Does it make you smile even now?
What if in 2018, instead of resolutions that you think you ‘should’ do – what if you choose goals for the year that excite you? In my opinion, for me, the ‘shoulds’ usually invoke a sense of dread. They certainly have never motivated, inspired or excited me. They feel heavy, too hard, like another chore to add to my list and of course another opportunity to fail. Another chance to feel disappointed in myself and prove I am not good enough. They don’t make you want to jump of bed and get started do they? But do the things that light you up make you want to begin right now? We all want to feel good. Alive, vibrant, healthy, happy, proud and full of love. What if we choose goals and put focus into things that make us feel happy? What sort of goals would they be for you? What if your goals were things that you could easily imagine the happiness you would feel? Would you be more inclined to take the first step?
If you want to talk about what these goals might be for you, someone to support you getting clear on what you want and how to get there, someone to be there to celebrate with you, and of course, someone to get very excited as you reach the milestones along the way, contact me. I love these conversations – all the sessions I’ve had with my fellow coaches have left me feeling amazing and ready to start right now. Without them I would not have achieved things this year that I actually thought were impossible. I want to share my energy and excitement for life with you. I know you are capable of doing the things that really matter to you. Let’s talk about things that make you feel good.
Be kind to yourself.