Not thinking! Surely not. Surely this is for lazy people that never achieve anything? Well I’m going to beg to differ. I say no.
How did I jump out of a plane? Didn’t think about it.
How do I go out for a run? Don’t think about it.
How do I get up hills when running? Don’t think about it, just take one step in front of another.
How do I write minutes for meetings? Don’t think about it, just start and keep going.
How did I do trapeze? Didn’t think about it.
How did I manage $10 per day spending for 4 weeks? Didn’t think about what I’m missing out on. Didn’t think about being too tired to cook, just cooked and got things ready for the week ahead.
How do I not watch TV on weeknights? Don’t think about it. Just turn on my computer and watch a podcast and go to bed with a book.
So as Nike says, just do it. Don’t think about it. Your brain is way too brilliant at coming up with excuses, with fear, with obstacles, with anything you can desperately find to stop you from doing things. To stop you getting out of your comfort zone. To stop you facing your fears. To stop you becoming who you want to be.
So my advice, what I’m working on right now, is don’t think about it. And the real reason why? When we think about things we are SO trained to think of the negative. We can’t help it. We go there automatically. ‘Work is going to be awful today, running is going to be too hard, cooking is going to take too long’ but if we don’t think about it and we just do it, quite often things turn out so much better than expected.
This fits in with my laws of attraction training. If we focus on the negative we get negative. And I know, lord how I know, that trying to always focus on the positive is exhausting and so easy to forget, so I’m testing the next best option when the positives aren’t automatic – don’t think. Just write – don’t think about it. Like the last few weeks for me, too busy, too hard, can’t be bothered – so I did nothing. Today I just started. Did something. And here we are. It’s like magic!!!!
Sure, think about what you want to get done today, what’s important, what you want to achieve, what will make you feel good at the end of the day. Write it down. They are all positives. Then stop thinking about it and just start doing it.
If you need something to do with your monkey mind, try to focus on what it will feel like afterwards. This makes you want to do things. What a hero you will feel like. How on track you will feel, pleased, proud, happy, successful, accomplished, confident, capable, healthy, nourished, fit, strong, smart, optimistic, hopeful, brave. See yourself feeling like this. Really picture it. Smile about it. Bask in the glory, then just do whatever it is to get to those feelings. Imagine what that will feel like when you go to bed.
Don’t focus on how hard, expensive, difficult, scary something is. Focus on what it will bring to your life once it’s done. Then do it. Then dance around the house with joy and glee. Celebrate. What are you waiting for? Go forth and stop thinking.
Be kind to yourself.