One of the most exciting things happened to me last week. I was nominated for the Liebster Award. Imagine being nominated for an award. It just proves you never know what great things the universe has on their way to you. It was the best feeling. I was smiling for hours after finding out.
I must admit I’d never heard of this award. The Liebester Award is a recognition of bloggers by other bloggers. The award started back in 2011 as a way to support and promote blogs with smaller audiences. What a gorgeous thing to do. Imagine a world with more people lifting each other up and working together rather than competing and fighting tooth and nail for their share. An abundance mindset will always provide so much more than a scarcity one. There is so much to go around in this world.
I was nominated by the wonderful Nicola at https://www.nicolajudkins.com. Nicola writes all about living a quiet simple life. Now these are things that are very very important to me. If I could make up my own rules for this Award I would nominate her and only her. I read her blog every week and love it. There is always something in there that resonates with me. And more often than not a new idea to make things easier – I cant get enough of them. And since realizing I am actually an introvert (even though I spent most of my life desperately trying to be an extrovert because I didn’t want to be anti social like my Mum – yes, yes, I know that’s not what introvert/extrovert mean but it’s what I used to think) she has really helped me to embrace this as a great thing. And it has made me feel I’m slowly growing a tribe of more like minded people. A very wise woman indeed. THANK YOU!!!!!
A big thanks to Lorraine at Wording Well for working me through the process for the award and explaining what it was and what I needed to do. And for the images I’ve used!
The ‘rules’ of the award seem to be:
- Thank the other blogger that nominated you and provide a link back to their blog.
- Answer their questions in a blog post such as this one I’ve written today.
- Pay it forward by nominating 5-10 bloggers who you enjoy following and would like to support.
- Write 5-6 questions that you’d like them to answer.
- You are also meant to link your Liebster Award 2018 post to the original by the Global Aussie, and leave your blog post link in the comments section of the same post but I cant get the website to work this week.
I struggled a bit with nominations which was very weird of me – I think I’m generally very good at noticing the good things people do. But I don’t read many blogs at all. The couple I do read are big famous people’s or Nicola’s. But it’s my turn to pay it forward and that matters. Some of these people might have too many followers to technically be eligible for the award but I love their stuff and want to give them a shoutout:
Dr Simmo from I Wouldn’t Normally Call
I met Simon as a Sydney FC fan. What a top bloke. Absolutely brilliant but down to earth and wonderful to talk to. A fellow foodie to boot. I just found his Instagram page and blog and am very excited about them. Yes he is a doctor. Yes he is an astronomer. And yes his posts are usually understandable by us every day people.
Sarah from Shewrites
Sarah is a fantastic woman and a friend of one my ex’s. I was so happy we got to stay in touch, and that I can follow her on Instagram. She’s more into clothes than I am but she does it in such a real way that is accessible to every day people. She has been through so many difficulties in life but never gives up. She is always so positive. I think she is one of the best parents on earth. Her girls are gorgeous and I love reading about her and her fab husband.
Renee from essentially vibrant
Renee was part of a blog course I did. Her Instagram page is sooooo beautiful. And her adoration for her daughter always warms my heart. What a cool family she has. And her photos are spectacular.
Ailyn from ailynmartinez.com
Ailyn was also part of the blog course I did. Check her out for inspiration on building a business. She is so beautiful and has a beautiful soul to boot. She’s always got something good to say about other people and she’s so positive. Damn sexy lady too 😉
Sarah at bysarahturner
Sarah loves books which easily equals I love Sarah. She also loves food and we have been known to have the best conversations about lingerie. I also owe her apology because she was recently in Australia and I didn’t manage to catch up with her because I was dealing with too many of my own issues. But I’m sure she’ll forgive me because she is a super delightful human being.
So here are the answers to the questions I was sent:
- How long have you been writing online and how has your blogging journey evolved over time?
My blog started end of 2016. The day I hit publish was probably the scariest day of my life. I’d been told I couldn’t write and firmly believed I was bad with technology so it was a ridiculously big leap. I tried to celebrate with champagne and oysters but ended up having to take myself to bed for a good cry instead. It’s never been that hard since. Hmmmmm not sure I have evolved that much yet, I’m fairly new. I just like it and try not to pressure myself too much. I feel good now when I write. I don’t feel good at it, but life feels on track doing something so diffierent. A huge sense of accomplishment.
- What is your favourite part of being a blogger?
When I actually do a post! When I remember I am a ‘blogger’. Wow just saying that feels as foreign as saying I am a runner. Funny how I (or is it all of us) feel that I cant say I’m something unless I’m really really good at it!!!!! If I’m doing it, surely I’m one? Where is the rule that says you have to be good?
- What are you obsessed with right now?
My mind and making it work in a way that is more beneficial to me instead of it fighting me! Oh and running. But once the half marathon is over in May I feel my life can go back to normal and I can do more reading, cooking and writing again. Oh ok, yes I’m obsessed with food. But that’s always, not just right now.
- If you weren’t doing the work you do now, what else would you have loved to do?
I wanted to be a ballerina when I was growing up. However now I love my feet too much to do that to them. I think I’m on the path to my life purpose – it’s all about making the world better for people. Making people feel better about themselves. Bringing optimism and joy. The exact parts of that I’m still muddling through but I think I’m actually doing these things now. I just want to be doing them in a much bigger and more impactful way.
- What do you think we should be talking about less, and what do you think we should be talking about more?
Less about things/shopping and more about what excites us, what we’re doing we love, what we’re achieving and who we want to be.
- If the animal kingdom ruled the earth which animal do you think would be president and why?
Oh goodness. I have no idea. It would need to be a smart, happy and fun animal. Isn’t that lots of animals?. As much as a dog bit me and they aren’t my favourites right now, I still feel it should be a dog. They just have all the right qualities for goodness and leadership and doing the right thing. I do believe dogs want everyone to be happy. I’m sure the dog that got me just wanted to play! And of course they are incredibly loyal and protective. I did originally think lion but are they bit too scary and aloof???? And they sit around doing nothing for far too long every day to be president.
For those I’ve nominated I hope it’s a good thing. If you want to answer these questions I’d love to read your answers so please share the link with me if you would like to get involved.
- What made you start a blog?
- Who is your hero?
- What is one of the best things you have learnt in life?
- Is writing easy for you or you procrastinate?
- Paperback or kindle?
- Top 3 on your bucket list?
- Where do you see your blog in 5-10 years?
And that my friends is the Liebster Award. Happy Liebster 2018. The world is a good place. I hope you are being recognised for the great things I know you are doing.
Be kind to yourself.
Thank you so much Wendy for your lovely words about my blog. I really do appreciate it and it made my day. In fact I’ve read this twice now! I loved reading your answers to my questions and of course I completely agree that dogs should be president!