All the hard work is paying off!
Week 1
– spent in Singapore. An overseas holiday, a new holiday destination I’d never been to, incredible food and sights, and the most beautiful infinity pool with cabanas in the middle of the city. Felt luxurious and decadent. And came back for the first time under budget. Credit cards all up to date again. Life totally on track and finally doing the things I want to be doing.
Week 2
– boyfriend’s birthday. Started off wobbly but the difficult conversations with the right people always seem to make the world a million times better. I have absolutely no experience with this sort of stuff and usually run away. This was a huge win for me and meant we had the most exquisite dinner at Hubert that night. Romantic, delicious and full of love.
Week 3
– a gorgeous, happy and easy birthday for me. Quiet but spoilt. Flowers, the best cards, messages, a beautiful lunch and I even cooked a new recipe for dinner because I felt like it. Burnt butter with sage (from a friend’s garden – the best kind of herbs) and pumpkin is always a winner. THEN the biggest achievement of my life – running half a marathon. Woohoo. It still feels surreal. But the biggest win is that now so much more in my life feels possible. And for all the moments I hated running and I dreaded step after step of hard work it has helped me prove to myself that I am capable of so much more than I believed about myself. That I can change. That I can learn new things. That I can push through the tough stuff and get remarkable results. And that you need to set the right goal and have a timeframe to help you get there.
Week 4
– in super exciting news I went to see a psychologist. The best first session. Working on my relationships and connections with people – I want them to be the best they can be so delving into my mind for what’s in there that doesn’t support me. Changing the stuff I learnt growing up that stops me from being closer to people. Resolving the things that make me run away. Funny how I think seeing a psychologist seems like a weakness or embarrassing to people. I want to shout it from the roof because I feel so lucky being able to do it. Like a personal trainer for the mind. And everyone wants a personal trainer!
And to top it all off, just when I thought it couldn’t get better and everything was done, I beat my Saturday morning park run 5km time by more than a minute and a half. Unbelievable. There was shouting and jumping at my place when I found out. Sorry neighbours.
And the little things make such a big difference too – I kept doing some running the week after the half mara. It would’ve been easy to stop and that was that but I didn’t want to lose what I had. So felt like a complete hero that I continued. It was a beautiful commitment to myself.
Week 5
– the last couple of days. We got organised. Booked some bands, booked TedX (investing in myself and my mindset and my future is always a great feeling), booked in for my birthday present – a trip to Brisbane to stay at the gorgeous new Peppers FV and do another new park run. I’ve also been writing every day, doing more meditation, washing up the kitchen before going to bed (I never do that and it’s so satisfying once done and again when you wake up in the morning) and not watching TV.
I’m now super excited about June and the opportunities!!!!! What about you? What was the best month of your life? How do you get another one? What if there was an even better one out there for you? What if you made it happen? What would that feel like?
Be kind to yourself.