From my experience they don’t work. Am I right? You know the saying ‘if you keep doing the same thing, you keep getting the same result’? Well I firmly believe it. So if you keep having new years resolutions to lose weight, save money etc and they don’t work let’s try something new. Not only am I goal obsessed but I think they need to be done in a certain way. I don’t want you to just swap your new year’s resolution to be a goal – lose weight. It’s the same thing and therefore will have the same result. Goals need to excite you – they need to feel good, you need to be able to visualise the result. And keep seeing yourself there and how much more you love yourself and your life. So get more precise (and realistic). Set yourself for the first 6 months to fit into a pair of jeans a size smaller than your current jeans. See yourself going into the shop and buying them. Sit and imagine the pure joy when you try them on and reach your goal. And make sure you set fun goals at the same time – to see a movie or stay in bed all day with a book or have a facial every month, buy a new plant quarterly, go to the beach fortnightly – whatever it is that floats your boat. Have fun goals. They don’t all need to be serious way too hard type goals. Set some goals that make you smile, that make you love your life. The hard stuff matters and the feel good stuff matters. Why not have both – what have you got to lose? Set easy goals and harder goals. Tick the easy ones off so you feel like a hero and have more confidence to start tackling the bigger ones. Use goals that will get you living your dream life – or at least feeling you are on your way!!!!! 2019 is going to be amazing and if you want some support setting goals let me know, I’d love to help. Email me at wendy@nofearfromhere.com ⭐️💛
Be kind to yourself.