One of my key beliefs in life is that just like plants, if you stop growing you die. That’s why we get older and our bodies decay. And the same with our brains.
The biggest lesson I have learnt is to not stop – I start feeling life is on track and I can take it a bit easy and watch some tv and rest and then I suddenly get depressed. This happened last year after the half marathon. I felt I had done the biggest thing I had ever done in my life so I could take a break. And bang, within a week I felt like rubbish. I wondered what the point to life was. And it lasted it couple of months. I finally went to the psychologist and slowly worked my way back out of it.
Interestingly since I went to Tony Robbins I haven’t had a single depressed day which is incredible. I think because I am doing the important stuff for my future every single day. I am taking action every day towards my big goals.
I am tired and I am working hard. But doing nothing is also tiring. This is the stuff that makes me feel good. Makes me believe in myself. Makes me enjoy life more. Makes me more confident. And all that makes it so much easier to give something a go, take the next step, do things that are out of my comfort zone and be able to say yes more easily.
So please, never stop learning. Exercise your mind. Make it work for you. Help it to help you have the life you want. To be able to do what you want. There is no finish line, you are never ‘there’. Self development has no ending, it’s a part of life. But the rewards are never ending. 💛⭐️
Be kind to yourself.