It’s too hard
I don’t want to
Maybe I’m not cut out for this
It’s hurting
Should I give up
Maybe I should put this off until next year
Maybe I’m too old
I don’t have to prove anything to anyone
What about a long run on Sunday instead
I’m so slow
It’s only going to get worse as winter comes
I feel like a fool running so slowly past these people so many times
My running style is terrible
What a beautiful morning
Isnt it amazing I am capable of this
I have come so far in the last year
Imagine the joy and triumph at the finish line in July
I can do this
I am so lucky I get the opportunity to do this on a Friday morning
I am so grateful for my body
I love the new muscles I am getting
The river is so peaceful this morning
Perfect weather for a run
How gorgeous, he is playing his guitar to her on a park bench
Oooo a fish jumping out of the water
I think that’s a pukeko – with its baby chicks
Those pelicans look so majestic
This is awesome out here
I am so proud of myself
Anyway 17.2km later, I’m feeling like quite the super hero today! The best start to the weekend. What thoughts are you choosing today?
Be kind to yourself