You are tired because of the heavy weight in your head, not because of what you have done physically.
Last Friday I went for a run. Little miss marathon couldn’t even do 5km. I had to walk a lot. What happened? I tried to piece together what was happening and why it seemed so hard. Yes I haven’t been doing as much running and my body needs some chiro/massage/stretching for the muscles but that would never stop a leisurely 5km. And it was a little warm, but only a little.
But it dawned on me. I had a huge emotionally turbulent week. As someone who works really hard towards having no drama in my life it was coming at me from all angles. Three big issues in particular. One I finally had the hard conversation Thursday night which with more clarity on my behalf, and more time for me thinking how I contributed to the situation, turned out to be incredibly easy. But I had been walking around carrying the weight of it all week.
The second thing I didnt have the hard conversation. I could tell you lots of very rational reasons about timing etc but when it comes down to it, I was just procrastinating. So I was still carrying that baggage but looking forward to starting to fix the process this week.
The last one I finally had a realisation while running. That is that yes, I am probably right, and yes the real estate agent is probably wrong as the tenant representative service told me, but at the end of the day I can get lawyers and I can fight for my rights or I can just do the most simple, cheap, effective thing which is take a day of leave to sort the issue. I could say again it’s the principle of the matter and they should do the right thing. But does that complicate my life and bring more drama? Yes. Do I want that? No. So it’s time to just bite the bullet and let go and attend to the issue myself. We can fight people over the right thing but what if we can let go instead? The more I am letting go, the more easy absolutely everything is becoming in life. Especially when it comes from a need to be right. And that one is quite deep set. I was always caught up in not being smart enough. And therefore the crazy reasoning going on in my head was that if I was right, then obviously I’m smart. It makes no sense when you say it out loud but it’s how I was operating. If I was wrong or made a mistake I was therefore stupid. I couldn’t have been further from the truth.
I believe that the more we can sort out, clean up, simplify and refresh what is going on in our heads, the more energy we will have to do what we want to do. To more easily head towards who we want to be. To even be able to give focus on thinking about who we want to be. There is so much win to working on your mindset. And whilst it might be hard to question what’s really there the benefits will totally outweigh the effort.
This week I finally sorted the 3rd thing. As per most things in life, it was no where near as difficult as I expected. It was a great conversation and whilst there was no real solution, there is a greater understanding and some ideas for how we improve things. Definitely a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.
So today I ran 8.3km pretty slowly but it felt easy. Amazing what a difference sorting out your mind can make on your body.
How you do you sort out your mind? Engage some help from an expert, online, a psychologist, a coach, a wise friend. Anyone that can get you to question what’s going on in your head and help you find the answers. And if the answers aren’t working, change them. What do you believe? What do you value? What do you want? Who are you? What do you want your life to look like? What’s stopping you? What’s on repeat in your head? What do you tell yourself all day every day? Anything that doesn’t work can be changed. Interesting how sitting with ourselves and asking the hard questions is so much more frightening than anything else. But cleaning it up changes everything. Lightens the load we carry. More energy, more ease, more joy. It is hard work but aren’t you worth it?
Some of my favourite people to follow online are Kyle Cease, Leo Babauta, Louise Hay, Tony Robbins, Brendan Burchard, Abraham Hicks, Jordan B Peterson, Gabrielle Bernstein and Marie Forleo. Amazing what Dr Google will find for you. You don’t even need to spend money if you don’t want to.
If you’re feeling tired, what have you go to lose? Go on, give it a try. Let me know if you would like some support and encouragement on your journey.
Be kind to yourself.