So it’s Sunday morning. The sun is flooding past my bedroom window. I can see blue sky forever. And I feel so happy. Why is that? What was different about this week?
Achievement, health and out of comfort zone I am going to say.
Did so much work. Loving my job. Just feeling on top of everything compared to my attitude in the past where most things could wait until tomorrow. Now I adore getting everything finished every day. It doesn’t happen that way but setting the goal stretches me further. Slight disappointment that I didn’t do my usual coaching call but that taught me a lesson yesterday morning.
Walked 5km at lunch so got in extra exercise. Went to bed deliriously happy just because I cooked and the kitchen was clean (rather than leaving it for later) plus I was sober. Just felt alive and healthy and on track.
Easy yoga for an hour and cooking. Enough leftovers for the rest of the week.
My first ‘normal’ rather than easy yoga class in 5 weeks. 30 minutes and my leg was fine. I couldn’t stop smiling. This seems so silly but the biggest joy was vacuuming. It was over and done with for the whole weekend. Best thing to get out of the way.
Woke up and wrote a post. Have been struggling to fit in writing. Realised if it’s important it needs to be the first priority of the day. And that’s perfect in winter when you don’t want to get out of bed. So wrote it, edited it, posted it and put up on Instagram. Best best start to the day. Then I did a harder yoga class for 45 mins. Man do I feel it now. It included ab work – felt amazing to be totally back on track. The post made me realise I had been feeling slightly off all week and it was because I was too scared to get out of my comfort zone. Easy to fix – do something about it!!!! So contacted a couple of people about being coached. And asked for help – something I never ever do!!!!! Woohoo. And seemed scary but it just felt great. Odd what we procrastinate over. Must remember things are never as bad as our imagination makes them.
Then I did the last training module for my life coaching course. Funnily enough I was a bit ho hum about it – whatever, last subject. Must get onto certification. But I managed to stop myself and acknowledge that this was a huge achievement. I have finished my training for a whole new life. For new opportunities, for new growth, for new skills to make a difference in the world. I’ve been dedicated and determined and given up other things to make this happen. It should be celebrated. So I did. I did an Instagram post. I was going out anyway but I made going out being about celebrating. It all felt so much better and then made me even more determined to get certification finished earlier than required so I can do more celebrating. Because celebrating is fun! And celebrating helps others to give you good feedback. There is no end to the benefits of a good celebration.
Friday afternoon I spent 2 hours on the phone with one of my fellow trainee coaches. We’ve developed the most beautiful relationship and our conversations are the most uplifting and supportive time. We talked everything in our lives and then she coached me for a hour. I feel so lucky to get all this free coaching as part of my course. It really helps to narrow your focus and focus on what’s important. And to have someone to help you be accountable. I am always on a high after speaking with her.
Then Friday night went out with a fabulous friend I’ve reconnected with over the last few months. He’s positive, happy, loves adventures, books things, loves new places, gets out of his comfort zone, plans for the future and a great life and is an absolute joy to hang out with. So we had cocktails at a place we’d never been to, went to a gorgeous restaurant in Sydney both of us had separately been wanting to go to for a while, and then did a little bit of a bar crawl. Super good fun.
With a small hangover I went into the office and got stuff sorted for board meetings and to meet certain timetables. All done within a couple of hours and then walked home. Now this was tough. However I felt so proud of myself because I walked 10.5km. Realised I will be running by the end of the month. Lots of joy about being able to do anything I want again. Anything I choose. I can choose to step up with no limitations. And ran into a gorgeous friend near home. Running into people you know makes you feel so popular. Plus we laughed so much about my confusion over a big lunch we are having next week. Another thing in the calendar I am so excited about and looking forward to. Another restaurant I’ve been dying to get to will be crossed off the list. Listened to a Lewis Howes podcast with Lilly Singh – she has to be the most energetic happy positive woman I’ve ever seen. She’s just unstoppable – her energy is phenomenal. She’s just like a female Tony Robbins. Made me smile. And then coached a friend – first time ever. And it was brilliant. Love how scared I was beforehand. I just need to accept that and use it to my advantage (just like musicians and actors) and not let it beat me. Remember it’s actually a good thing that I care and want it to be great. If I didn’t care that would be the disaster. Definite highlight of the day for me living my best life. Then even being really tired I made myself heaps of greens to have with some leftovers from the freezer. Budget totally on track as well.
It would be really easy to focus on the things that went wrong – we seem to be ingrained to do that. Not coaching beginning of week, some overeating at night time, lots of cheese and biscuits, big drinking Friday night. But my mindset is changing. I’ve actually let go of all these things. My mind is now focussed and only remembering the good. And it’s easy. I’m so proud of myself.
So this is how mega happiness works for me:
- Looking after myself (nourishing food, lots of sleep)
- Getting out of comfort zone
- Being with positive happy people
- Taking the next steps to be better at something
- Staying in budget
- Going somewhere new
- Listening to inspiring things
- Not watching TV during the week
- Focusing on the good stuff in life and the good stuff I am doing
- Not comparing myself to others
- Being really really grateful every day for all the awesome things in my life
What does your perfect week look like?
I’m now off to do yoga, start certification and maybe find an adventure this afternoon to enjoy this glorious Sunday.
Be kind to yourself.