I did a terrifying thing. I went to singing lessons. It’s been a huge month of conquering fears. Or getting things done despite the fear. I guess this round of conquerage (yep I have made up a word) started with walking across hot coals at Tony Robbins last month. And I felt sick all day. […]
Author Archives: wendyesky@hotmail.com
9 things I learnt from Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins was 3 weeks ago. I’ve been doing some experiments with his recommendations and re-reading notes. None of it is rocket science (as we were reminded many times over the weekend). Any of us can do these things. So far these are the keys for me: 1. Energy is everything And it’s a really […]
What if there is no answer?
I’ve had a good month in relation to my mental health. No running away when things felt too hard. I wanted to write a post on what I learnt to share with everyone. I wanted to give some great life advice to the world. I wanted to impart wisdom and knowledge. I wanted to help. […]
The Mastery of Love – Don Miguel Ruiz
I think the point to highlighting lines in a book is lost when there are more lines underlined than not… It’s just occurred to me that the philosophy in this book is very similar to ‘The Untethered Soul’ by Michael A Singer and so many other books I am reading. Maybe that’s why I love […]
The BEST month of my life
All the hard work is paying off! Week 1 – spent in Singapore. An overseas holiday, a new holiday destination I’d never been to, incredible food and sights, and the most beautiful infinity pool with cabanas in the middle of the city. Felt luxurious and decadent. And came back for the first time under budget. […]
Is it too hard?
I thought it was. But I think I was wrong. This is such a recurring theme in my life. I believe that we do keep experiencing the same situations in life over and over again until we actually learn from them. My current focus is my running. The half marathon in 7 sleeps. The biggest […]
Totally floored because I was nominated for an award!
One of the most exciting things happened to me last week. I was nominated for the Liebster Award. Imagine being nominated for an award. It just proves you never know what great things the universe has on their way to you. It was the best feeling. I was smiling for hours after finding out. I […]
What if we said yes?
Fascinating how the world swings in different directions. I feel everything I read these days has become about how to be better at saying no. To people that don’t make you feel good about yourself, to things that don’t make you feel good about yourself, to time wasters, to people pleasing, to bad food, to […]
Easter gratitude
Easter is a funny old thing. Because it’s 4 days I think we often feel a lot of pressure to make it count. It needs to be impressive, worth the extra time and provide great stories when you get back to the office. How do we counteract this? Easter was weird for me this year […]
My new superpower
Not thinking! Surely not. Surely this is for lazy people that never achieve anything? Well I’m going to beg to differ. I say no. How did I jump out of a plane? Didn’t think about it. How do I go out for a run? Don’t think about it. How do I get up hills […]