Joined running group – done Jumped out of a plane – done 4 weeks $10 per day spending challenge – done WOOHOO!!!!!! Here’s how the challenge panned out. Week 1 = $73 Week 2 = $74 Week 3 = $58 Week 4 = $72 Unexpected = $18 for arnica tablets following my gum surgery So […]
Author Archives:
RULES, rules, rules and more rules…
We have so many rules in our heads about how things ‘should’ be. When we can let go of them EVERYTHING changes. I’ve spent a lot of time over the last couple of years reviewing what I think and why I think it. Do the rules and beliefs in my head help me or hinder […]
What can’t you do? What if you could?
I know I seem to go on about this running thing, but it’s just blowing my mind. Every time I do it, I come out completely stunned and deliriously proud that I’ve done it. OMG yes, it’s so hard and it’s awful and it’s the biggest ever work out for my brain. Which I find […]
I jumped out of a plane
“I’m feeling afraid and I’m doing it anyway”. Growing up my parents said sky diving was stupid and dangerous. “Over my dead body” they said. They were my parents. I believed them. But do some research – surely statistically it’s more likely you will get cancer or be injured in a car than something going […]
Selfish is not a swear word
Summer in Sydney. Late afternoon warmth and dappled sunlight on your skin. Glorious. Now I’m not sure if it’s a new year, a full moon or just is what it is, but everything feels like it’s coming to a head. Things feel unsettled. The more work I do learning who I am, what I want […]
My 2017
One of my biggest lessons this year was that the tough stuff often leads to the great stuff! And while some things might not seem fun at the time, they can provide an opportunity for something better. I started a list of the good and bad for this year but have realised there was usually […]
How do you want to feel this time next year?
Think about a time when you were truly happy, content, satisfied, full of joy. Close your eyes and picture that time. What was it like? See the big smile on your face. What if you could get that time back? What would it be like? Does it make you smile even now? What if in […]
Xmas with ease and grace
What if we let go of perfectionism and redefined how we do Christmas? What’s most important to us as human beings these days? Is it things? Or do we really have everything we need? Is there anything else we truly want or it’s just a copy of something we already have? Why do we want […]
3 Truths
Lewis Howes does one of my favourite podcasts ‘The School of Greatness’ that has really authentic interviews with inspiring people. At the end of every interview he asks them what their 3 truths are. The 3 key lessons/ things they know to be true/ most important things in life etc. It made me start thinking about […]
What’s happy?
When are we truly happy? How can you tell? I always like to think I’m the expert but sometimes it feels a little out of your immediate grasp. It’s really not just being crazily positive and optimistic. And sometimes what you think should make you happy isn’t what makes you happy. And maybe it […]