So it’s Sunday morning. The sun is flooding past my bedroom window. I can see blue sky forever. And I feel so happy. Why is that? What was different about this week? Achievement, health and out of comfort zone I am going to say. Monday Did so much work. Loving my job. Just feeling on […]
Author Archives:
6 months of whiteboard progress but what’s the real issue?
So the other night I was having one of those days where I felt like I hadn’t achieved much recently. I was getting into bed when my whiteboard caught my eye. I actually chuckled to myself and realised what a big lie that was. My whiteboard proved how much has been going on this year. […]
Perfectly imperfect
I’m reading this everywhere at the moment. And it’s making me smile. A lot. It’s like getting permission to just be a human being instead of a machine. I think something goes wrong when we are growing up – we are taught the best come first at the swimming carnival, you need to get all […]
Holidays, expectations and happiness
Sarah Wilson wrote something in her book that really resonated with me. She said she doesn’t go for beautiful expensive spa massages because there is too much pressure to relax and enjoy every second. She goes to really cheap places. The outcome doesn’t matter so much, she can just let go. There is no expectation. […]
The myth of wanting things to be easy
I feel we have a deep seated belief that easy is better. If we won lotto we would be happier. If we suddenly lost weight we would be happier. If other people treated us better we would be happier. If we didn’t have to go to work we would love our lives more. But I’ve […]
Focus on YOUR good things and not on OTHER people
I’ve had a blog for 5 months. No I haven’t made any money, no I don’t have a huge following, no I don’t have a huge email list. I don’t have any of things that are seen as successful in this space. It would be so easy to just give it up. And some days […]
Is sacrifice worth it? Hell yes!
Why would someone choose sacrifice? It sounds desperate. Like you don’t have a choice. That there is scarcity instead of abundance in the world. That we can’t have it all. But, by jove, I think I’ve got the point. I’ve changed my perspective. I have learnt something this month. Sacrifice is part of the road […]
Thank YOU gratitude!
So I tried gratitude. I wrote down 3 – 5 things every night I was grateful for. Ho, hum. Unexciting. Made no difference. Then I learnt a different way. It’s not about saying thanks. It’s about FEELING thanks. Let me try to explain. There is this super thing called a rampage of appreciation (even the […]
Who am I
Is it just me? Does everyone struggle with this every day? Or is it my change of career and thinking about my purpose in life that makes me constantly question and find I don’t have the answers. Is this what they call a mid life crisis? And is that egotistical that it’s all about me […]
When did being proud of yourself become a crime?
I was walking through the park yesterday on my way to the art gallery, enjoying the autumn sunshine, when I noticed a young girl, maybe 8 or 9, doing backbends (full wheel pose to those who do yoga) on the grass. Up and down. Up and down. “Look Mum, look Mum, look Mum.” She was […]