You can be amazing and be single! No it’s not a lie just to make you feel better. It’s a fact. There are people out there proving it every single day. Surely you know incredible people that are single? And you don’t think any less of them? It’s more a matter of timing. Surely it […]
Author Archives:
Fight for your happiness
(this is currently the wall next to my desk – a constant reminder of what to feed my mind for my dreams) I’ve spent my life fighting for my happiness. Or that’s how it feels. A lot of people look at me and think I’m incredibly lucky to be so optimistic. And I usually […]
Perception of size
Oh c’mon gentlemen – is that what you always think about first????!!!!!! I’m talking along the lines of fear. And getting out of your comfort zone. I did a few things last week that before I did them seemed HUGE AND IMPOSSIBLE (and I firmly believed I could ‘never’ do): Cold showers at the end of my […]
Escaping from fear
(This is the view from my dining table/desk while I am pondering this post…) What do you do every day so you don’t have to deal with your pain or fear? I’ve been sitting with a lot of emotional discomfort recently. Lots of loneliness. Lots of out of comfort zone (and sheer terror!) for a […]
Underestimating the sheer magnificence of fun
Wow! The most incredible aha moment happened for me last week. I’m working through a coaching program with a fellow coach that is studying at the same time as me. Each week we focus a different part of your life. This week we discussed fun and my dreams and goals and desires for this area […]
Life isn’t always a bed of roses
I don’t want to be misunderstood here. Yes I’m very happy and very good at optimism. But this does NOT mean I don’t have bad days. I do. One night last year I was so miserable about my life that I decided if I wasn’t any happier in a year’s time I could kill myself. […]
You choose I should or I want
It’s so easy to get caught in the ‘I shoulds’. I know I am doing it in the mornings about getting up and doing yoga. I am slowly trying to update my language to bring more ease and joy into my life. What is the difference between I should and I want? I should get […]
BOOK REVIEW: ‘first, we make the beast beautiful’ by Sarah Wilson
WOW. What an eye opener. I loved this book. I’m struggling to get through some books at the moment but this one I couldn’t put down and finished in 2 days. The tip of my iceberg is totally ‘life natural’ and that’s who I thought I was. But I’ve learnt that I’m not. I nodded […]
Cut yourself some slack
(from the Honolulu Museum of Art – May 2016) I’ve really been struggling to work out how I can be so tired after 4 months of not having a ‘normal 9 – 5 job’. Usually we take a week off here and there to rejuvenate and we are insanely excited and then head back to […]
The monk who sold his Ferrari
Today I finished reading Robin Sharma’s ‘The Monk who Sold his Ferrari’. Adored it!!!! So feel good. And practical. The key lessons for a better life are: mastering your mind to fill it with positive thoughts, following your purpose and doing the things you want/love to do, practicing Kaizen (constant and never ending improvement), living with […]