In 2015 I started to feel something was missing in life. Quite honestly, I felt scared of everything. I felt there had to be something more to life. I felt other people were having more fun than me. What were they doing? How were they doing it? How can I get me some of […]
Author Archives:
Let’s have fun and deliberately ignore the experts
You don’t have to be a morning person. You don’t have to do yoga. You don’t have to eat 3 meals a day. You don’t have to wear the latest fashions. You don’t have to be a minimalist. You don’t have to use adult colouring in books. You don’t have to follow current investment advice. […]
4 experiments for the best self esteem
2017 has started as a year of soul searching for me. I’ve had time to ponder and reflect which has expanded my self awareness. And what has become increasingly important to me is growing my self worth. Unless we really believe in ourselves I think we struggle to make big changes or do things to make our […]
I’m shocked – being kind to yourself is SO hard
Now this is a huge realisation. I think this is BIG for all of us. I’m tired. My body hurts. I’m waking up in the mornings with no energy. How can this be? I’ve now had 14 weeks off work. My first thought is ‘what is wrong with me’? What a terrible first negative thought. […]
Doing it (or not doing it in this case) for self-love
This year I’ve decided is all about growing my self worth. The first area I started reviewing was my relationships and what they have looked like for the last couple of years. And I don’t feel they have been reflecting me feeling worthy. So to begin, I am committing to myself that there will be no […]
What if Valentine’s Day gave you a reason to change you?
In Eat Pray Love, Elizabeth Gilbert says… When I get lonely these days, I think: So be lonely. Learn your way around loneliness. Make a map of it. Sit with it… Welcome to the human experience… Never again use another person’s body or emotions as a scratching post for your own unfulfilled yearnings. If […]
Not getting the desired result might be ok
So it was Australia Day end of January. I was having a quiet one at home for my week of no drinking, no TV, meditating and yoga. There was a free fair/concert up the road. So I walked 3km to Enmore Park to see Diesel. He was going to be on 7.45pm to 8.30pm and […]
January progress for the magic happiness weapon (the whiteboard)
Hello fabulous one!!!!! Welcome to February. How was January? Interestingly if you were to ask me, I’d say pretty good. Yet when I look at my whiteboard, I realise the real answer is January was AMAZING. This the power I get from my whiteboard. A constant reminder of all the great things I have done. […]
My challenging week helped me to shine bright
My weekly challenge last week was …well… challenging actually. Duh. Isn’t that how it’s meant to be????!!!!??? In this case it’s a timing thing because it wasn’t meant to be hard. I gave up alcohol for 7 days, and wanted to do meditation and yoga every day. For some reason a couple of days into it I […]
An odd but excellent experiment – my armpit detox
I know this might be a step too far but just hear me out for a minute or 2! Pretty please. I’ve been using natural deodorants (chemical and toxin free) for a couple of years. And to be honest they haven’t really worked. Plus I’m allergic to the one everyone raves about (Axilla by Black […]