One of the most exciting things happened to me last week. I was nominated for the Liebster Award. Imagine being nominated for an award. It just proves you never know what great things the universe has on their way to you. It was the best feeling. I was smiling for hours after finding out. I […]
Category Archives: Be kind to yourself
Easter gratitude
Easter is a funny old thing. Because it’s 4 days I think we often feel a lot of pressure to make it count. It needs to be impressive, worth the extra time and provide great stories when you get back to the office. How do we counteract this? Easter was weird for me this year […]
How do you want to feel this time next year?
Think about a time when you were truly happy, content, satisfied, full of joy. Close your eyes and picture that time. What was it like? See the big smile on your face. What if you could get that time back? What would it be like? Does it make you smile even now? What if in […]
Xmas with ease and grace
What if we let go of perfectionism and redefined how we do Christmas? What’s most important to us as human beings these days? Is it things? Or do we really have everything we need? Is there anything else we truly want or it’s just a copy of something we already have? Why do we want […]
What’s happy?
When are we truly happy? How can you tell? I always like to think I’m the expert but sometimes it feels a little out of your immediate grasp. It’s really not just being crazily positive and optimistic. And sometimes what you think should make you happy isn’t what makes you happy. And maybe it […]
Real life examples of letting go
The less I try to force things, have perceptions about how things should be, look for specific outcomes or assume I need to do everything brilliantly, the easier everything seems to just flow. Doing park run no matter how fast I am, is better than not doing it because I won’t beat my personal best […]
Start again with no preconceived ideas
Sounds simple enough but I am shaking my head at how much I forget to do this. I make so many assumptions about people when I meet them, based on the people I have met in the past. I think it’s part of me (or maybe all of us) trying to be efficient and work […]
I believe you will bounce back
I got another PB at spin class this week (and just to show off, another at Park Run Saturday morning by one second). What seems extraordinary to me is that only a couple of months ago after the Labrador bite, I was lying on my lounge wondering what the point to life was. Why was […]
Train your brain
I am in awe of our phenomenal minds. I’m learning so much about mine. With more and more training I am realising I can tell my mind what to think and with practice it just starts thinking that. And this might seem a bit obvious but it just blows me away. After having the same […]
My most excellent happy week
So it’s Sunday morning. The sun is flooding past my bedroom window. I can see blue sky forever. And I feel so happy. Why is that? What was different about this week? Achievement, health and out of comfort zone I am going to say. Monday Did so much work. Loving my job. Just feeling on […]