Words are phenomenal. What they can do just blows my mind. We can communicate with each other, we can learn, we can be entertained by stories, we can tell jokes, we can write love letters, we can encourage people, support people, debate, discuss, argue, write, read, talk etc. Where would we be without words? […]
Category Archives: Be kind to yourself
My magic weapon for happiness
It’s a whiteboard!!!!! Yes that sounds like the worst thing on earth – conjures up pictures of a bossy person explaining budgets to you and telling you that you are never allowed to spend money or have any fun ever again. But mine is different. It’s magic. Oh, of course it’s not magic. It just […]
Be kind to yourself
So you’ll see this as my sign off for all posts. Interestingly this morning I felt like a bit of a hypocrite because I actually need to be telling myself this very important message. I’ve been so anxious and uncomfortable since I launched my blog out into the world and I’ve been trying to work […]
Children have got it going on
So it’s 3 weeks since leaving my job and I’m sitting in paradise in Far North Queensland, Australia, at the pool with 2 free cocktails feeling very happy with the world. I start watching kids. As someone without kids I’ve often seen them as a bit of a bother when they are in my space. […]
I’m so lucky I started hating my job
Sometimes the things that seem like the worst thing in the world actually become our biggest blessings. I couldn’t take leave because there was no one to do my job, I got sick of setting up never ending meetings and then changing them, I knew everything so constantly was asked to take on additional projects, […]
What if you aren’t average
So I’ve been banging on a bit lately about me being average. Average in pretty much everything – nothing outstanding, nothing amazing, nothing hugely successful, no wealth, no relationship, currently no job etc etc. But it just hit me. What if I’m not average? What if I let go of telling myself this message? What […]
I wish I was one of ‘them’
You know those people that you will never be? Those hugely successful, fearless, entrepreneurial, try anything, wealthy people. The book writers, the bloggers, the sellers of things. The runners of their own businesses. Their successful businesses. The Tony Robbins, the Oprahs, the Maria Forleos, the TV chefs, the reality TV stars etc etc. They are […]
Do you know how amazing you are?
Your body is a miracle. Made up of minuscule molecules that make it automatically breath and sleep and walk around and see and hear and feel and smell. How does it do it? It really is like magic. I am in awe of your body. You are so sexy when you feel good about your body. […]
Start where you are…
And yes everyone is writing about this now. But I am quite serious when I say who cares how old you are? I’m 46 (and a half). In a perfect world I should be thinking about how I can get my mortgage paid off before I retire. But I don’t even have a mortgage! And […]
But I’m not good enough
BOLLOCKS!!!! I’ve spent my whole life thinking this. Where did we get this message from? Were we set up for mediocrity just because we didn’t come first at school? Or second or third? Or 40th? Does it really matter what happened back ‘then’? What does matter is it’s time to let go of thinking like […]