(this is currently the wall next to my desk – a constant reminder of what to feed my mind for my dreams) I’ve spent my life fighting for my happiness. Or that’s how it feels. A lot of people look at me and think I’m incredibly lucky to be so optimistic. And I usually […]
Category Archives: Mindset
Perception of size
Oh c’mon gentlemen – is that what you always think about first????!!!!!! I’m talking along the lines of fear. And getting out of your comfort zone. I did a few things last week that before I did them seemed HUGE AND IMPOSSIBLE (and I firmly believed I could ‘never’ do): Cold showers at the end of my […]
Escaping from fear
(This is the view from my dining table/desk while I am pondering this post…) What do you do every day so you don’t have to deal with your pain or fear? I’ve been sitting with a lot of emotional discomfort recently. Lots of loneliness. Lots of out of comfort zone (and sheer terror!) for a […]
Underestimating the sheer magnificence of fun
Wow! The most incredible aha moment happened for me last week. I’m working through a coaching program with a fellow coach that is studying at the same time as me. Each week we focus a different part of your life. This week we discussed fun and my dreams and goals and desires for this area […]
Life isn’t always a bed of roses
I don’t want to be misunderstood here. Yes I’m very happy and very good at optimism. But this does NOT mean I don’t have bad days. I do. One night last year I was so miserable about my life that I decided if I wasn’t any happier in a year’s time I could kill myself. […]
You choose I should or I want
It’s so easy to get caught in the ‘I shoulds’. I know I am doing it in the mornings about getting up and doing yoga. I am slowly trying to update my language to bring more ease and joy into my life. What is the difference between I should and I want? I should get […]
Cut yourself some slack
(from the Honolulu Museum of Art – May 2016) I’ve really been struggling to work out how I can be so tired after 4 months of not having a ‘normal 9 – 5 job’. Usually we take a week off here and there to rejuvenate and we are insanely excited and then head back to […]
The monk who sold his Ferrari
Today I finished reading Robin Sharma’s ‘The Monk who Sold his Ferrari’. Adored it!!!! So feel good. And practical. The key lessons for a better life are: mastering your mind to fill it with positive thoughts, following your purpose and doing the things you want/love to do, practicing Kaizen (constant and never ending improvement), living with […]
Let’s have fun and deliberately ignore the experts
You don’t have to be a morning person. You don’t have to do yoga. You don’t have to eat 3 meals a day. You don’t have to wear the latest fashions. You don’t have to be a minimalist. You don’t have to use adult colouring in books. You don’t have to follow current investment advice. […]
4 experiments for the best self esteem
2017 has started as a year of soul searching for me. I’ve had time to ponder and reflect which has expanded my self awareness. And what has become increasingly important to me is growing my self worth. Unless we really believe in ourselves I think we struggle to make big changes or do things to make our […]