I got another PB at spin class this week (and just to show off, another at Park Run Saturday morning by one second). What seems extraordinary to me is that only a couple of months ago after the Labrador bite, I was lying on my lounge wondering what the point to life was. Why was […]
Category Archives: My journey’s lessons
My Laws of Attraction 101
So this is the way I see it. I’m fairly new to this but have been focussing on the basics for a fair bit of the last year. Here’s a couple of examples for how I think it works. It’s all about your feelings. THE GOOD – You know how when you’re about to go […]
Both my August goals are now ticked off – its 9 August. Both things scared me. I didn’t want to do either. I felt sick beforehand. I felt scared, nervous, pathetic, a fraud, out of my league, a little stupid for trying – all the things we go through, which is totally normal, when we […]
Days that go right
Today is a day that went right. It felt great. I felt happy, grateful and at my best. How do we get more of these? I think the key is to work out what matters to you. Work out what makes you happy. Do those things. Sounds simple but obviously it’s not or else we […]
Is this the best thing EVER?
The totally unexpected sheer delicious bliss of falling in love? Thinking about them all day, your heart skipping a beat when you get a message, the days between seeing them feeling like the longest days ever, the world looking more magnificent, not sleeping as you imagine conversations and things you will do together, the huge […]
Train your brain
I am in awe of our phenomenal minds. I’m learning so much about mine. With more and more training I am realising I can tell my mind what to think and with practice it just starts thinking that. And this might seem a bit obvious but it just blows me away. After having the same […]
My most excellent happy week
So it’s Sunday morning. The sun is flooding past my bedroom window. I can see blue sky forever. And I feel so happy. Why is that? What was different about this week? Achievement, health and out of comfort zone I am going to say. Monday Did so much work. Loving my job. Just feeling on […]
6 months of whiteboard progress but what’s the real issue?
So the other night I was having one of those days where I felt like I hadn’t achieved much recently. I was getting into bed when my whiteboard caught my eye. I actually chuckled to myself and realised what a big lie that was. My whiteboard proved how much has been going on this year. […]
Perfectly imperfect
I’m reading this everywhere at the moment. And it’s making me smile. A lot. It’s like getting permission to just be a human being instead of a machine. I think something goes wrong when we are growing up – we are taught the best come first at the swimming carnival, you need to get all […]
Holidays, expectations and happiness
Sarah Wilson wrote something in her book that really resonated with me. She said she doesn’t go for beautiful expensive spa massages because there is too much pressure to relax and enjoy every second. She goes to really cheap places. The outcome doesn’t matter so much, she can just let go. There is no expectation. […]