I feel we have a deep seated belief that easy is better. If we won lotto we would be happier. If we suddenly lost weight we would be happier. If other people treated us better we would be happier. If we didn’t have to go to work we would love our lives more. But I’ve […]
Category Archives: My journey’s lessons
Focus on YOUR good things and not on OTHER people
I’ve had a blog for 5 months. No I haven’t made any money, no I don’t have a huge following, no I don’t have a huge email list. I don’t have any of things that are seen as successful in this space. It would be so easy to just give it up. And some days […]
Is sacrifice worth it? Hell yes!
Why would someone choose sacrifice? It sounds desperate. Like you don’t have a choice. That there is scarcity instead of abundance in the world. That we can’t have it all. But, by jove, I think I’ve got the point. I’ve changed my perspective. I have learnt something this month. Sacrifice is part of the road […]
Thank YOU gratitude!
So I tried gratitude. I wrote down 3 – 5 things every night I was grateful for. Ho, hum. Unexciting. Made no difference. Then I learnt a different way. It’s not about saying thanks. It’s about FEELING thanks. Let me try to explain. There is this super thing called a rampage of appreciation (even the […]
Who am I
Is it just me? Does everyone struggle with this every day? Or is it my change of career and thinking about my purpose in life that makes me constantly question and find I don’t have the answers. Is this what they call a mid life crisis? And is that egotistical that it’s all about me […]
When did being proud of yourself become a crime?
I was walking through the park yesterday on my way to the art gallery, enjoying the autumn sunshine, when I noticed a young girl, maybe 8 or 9, doing backbends (full wheel pose to those who do yoga) on the grass. Up and down. Up and down. “Look Mum, look Mum, look Mum.” She was […]
Single is not a measure of your self worth
You can be amazing and be single! No it’s not a lie just to make you feel better. It’s a fact. There are people out there proving it every single day. Surely you know incredible people that are single? And you don’t think any less of them? It’s more a matter of timing. Surely it […]
Fight for your happiness
(this is currently the wall next to my desk – a constant reminder of what to feed my mind for my dreams) I’ve spent my life fighting for my happiness. Or that’s how it feels. A lot of people look at me and think I’m incredibly lucky to be so optimistic. And I usually […]
Perception of size
Oh c’mon gentlemen – is that what you always think about first????!!!!!! I’m talking along the lines of fear. And getting out of your comfort zone. I did a few things last week that before I did them seemed HUGE AND IMPOSSIBLE (and I firmly believed I could ‘never’ do): Cold showers at the end of my […]
Escaping from fear
(This is the view from my dining table/desk while I am pondering this post…) What do you do every day so you don’t have to deal with your pain or fear? I’ve been sitting with a lot of emotional discomfort recently. Lots of loneliness. Lots of out of comfort zone (and sheer terror!) for a […]