Hello fabulous one!!!!! Welcome to February. How was January? Interestingly if you were to ask me, I’d say pretty good. Yet when I look at my whiteboard, I realise the real answer is January was AMAZING. This the power I get from my whiteboard. A constant reminder of all the great things I have done. […]
Category Archives: My journey’s lessons
My challenging week helped me to shine bright
My weekly challenge last week was …well… challenging actually. Duh. Isn’t that how it’s meant to be????!!!!??? In this case it’s a timing thing because it wasn’t meant to be hard. I gave up alcohol for 7 days, and wanted to do meditation and yoga every day. For some reason a couple of days into it I […]
Loving or loathing lists
Do you love a list – writing it, ticking things off and feeling a huge sense of achievement? Do you hate a list – having to write it, not ticking everything off and then feeling like you have failed? Do you resent a list – don’t tell me what to do little piece of paper […]
The anguish of striving for perfection
Do many of us still suffer from this? Are we still totally focussed on having the perfect body, the perfect relationship, the perfect career, the perfect family, the perfect house and the perfect balance in life? We are striving for something that doesn’t exist. Oh no, you say? That’s not you. Do you see yourself as […]
Getting that tingly feeling
I just had that sudden tingly feeling in my body when you realise you have achieved something great. Do you know what I’m talking about? I think it’s probably a lot to do with pride. I just realised that after immersing myself in language changes over the last 6 weeks I think some have finally embedded […]
Rituals and celebrations (and the 2017 whiteboard…)
Woohoo that time of year to start fresh and start my new happy board. Yet I kept putting if off. Why? Not sure, so finally instead of it being something else on the list I needed to tick off, I decided it was so important it needed a celebration! A big celebration. It makes my […]
My magic weapon for happiness
It’s a whiteboard!!!!! Yes that sounds like the worst thing on earth – conjures up pictures of a bossy person explaining budgets to you and telling you that you are never allowed to spend money or have any fun ever again. But mine is different. It’s magic. Oh, of course it’s not magic. It just […]
Be kind to yourself
So you’ll see this as my sign off for all posts. Interestingly this morning I felt like a bit of a hypocrite because I actually need to be telling myself this very important message. I’ve been so anxious and uncomfortable since I launched my blog out into the world and I’ve been trying to work […]
Why feeling lonely is a good thing
Yes this sounds totally daft. Let me see if I can actually explain this to make sense. Most of us are in such a big crazy rush every day. We are never alone. We are with our partners, our friends, our children, our work colleagues or a billion other people commuting to work. We feel […]
Children have got it going on
So it’s 3 weeks since leaving my job and I’m sitting in paradise in Far North Queensland, Australia, at the pool with 2 free cocktails feeling very happy with the world. I start watching kids. As someone without kids I’ve often seen them as a bit of a bother when they are in my space. […]