The less I try to force things, have perceptions about how things should be, look for specific outcomes or assume I need to do everything brilliantly, the easier everything seems to just flow. Doing park run no matter how fast I am, is better than not doing it because I won’t beat my personal best […]
Category Archives: Positivity
Imagine what’s possible
There is just over a quarter of the year to go. What is the one thing that you could do that would make you feel wonderful on new year’s eve? That would make this year seem like a great one? Think about it for a bit. Mull over it. Find something that feels good. Not […]
I believe you will bounce back
I got another PB at spin class this week (and just to show off, another at Park Run Saturday morning by one second). What seems extraordinary to me is that only a couple of months ago after the Labrador bite, I was lying on my lounge wondering what the point to life was. Why was […]
My Laws of Attraction 101
So this is the way I see it. I’m fairly new to this but have been focussing on the basics for a fair bit of the last year. Here’s a couple of examples for how I think it works. It’s all about your feelings. THE GOOD – You know how when you’re about to go […]
Days that go right
Today is a day that went right. It felt great. I felt happy, grateful and at my best. How do we get more of these? I think the key is to work out what matters to you. Work out what makes you happy. Do those things. Sounds simple but obviously it’s not or else we […]
Focus on YOUR good things and not on OTHER people
I’ve had a blog for 5 months. No I haven’t made any money, no I don’t have a huge following, no I don’t have a huge email list. I don’t have any of things that are seen as successful in this space. It would be so easy to just give it up. And some days […]
Thank YOU gratitude!
So I tried gratitude. I wrote down 3 – 5 things every night I was grateful for. Ho, hum. Unexciting. Made no difference. Then I learnt a different way. It’s not about saying thanks. It’s about FEELING thanks. Let me try to explain. There is this super thing called a rampage of appreciation (even the […]
The monk who sold his Ferrari
Today I finished reading Robin Sharma’s ‘The Monk who Sold his Ferrari’. Adored it!!!! So feel good. And practical. The key lessons for a better life are: mastering your mind to fill it with positive thoughts, following your purpose and doing the things you want/love to do, practicing Kaizen (constant and never ending improvement), living with […]
I’m shocked – being kind to yourself is SO hard
Now this is a huge realisation. I think this is BIG for all of us. I’m tired. My body hurts. I’m waking up in the mornings with no energy. How can this be? I’ve now had 14 weeks off work. My first thought is ‘what is wrong with me’? What a terrible first negative thought. […]
Loving or loathing lists
Do you love a list – writing it, ticking things off and feeling a huge sense of achievement? Do you hate a list – having to write it, not ticking everything off and then feeling like you have failed? Do you resent a list – don’t tell me what to do little piece of paper […]