Is confidence and being comfortable in your own skin the same thing? Where does self esteem fit into this? Lewis Howes was talking about past relationships and delving into what they might have had in common and why they might not have worked. Compared to his current partner he noted previous ones were extraordinary women […]
Tag Archives: 15minexpresslifecoaching
My celebration struggle
I think this is probably surprising to many people because I appear to be celebrating everything in life all the time. Especially with a drink. But every time I do any sort of wheel of life, review of life type program, I come up with really low scores in this area. I’m therefore putting in […]
It’s all in your mind
And your mind lies. I can’t believe this lesson comes up for me every single day. It’s Sunday. I’ve already hit my quota of running this week. But I just wanted to do a little run this morning because we missed park run on Saturday and I didn’t want to go 3 days without running. […]
Never stop learning
One of my key beliefs in life is that just like plants, if you stop growing you die. That’s why we get older and our bodies decay. And the same with our brains. The biggest lesson I have learnt is to not stop – I start feeling life is on track and I can take […]
My 2019 planning has involved 4 separate processes: 1. New list of goals in new updated format 2. Clean fresh blank slate whiteboard 3. Updated, tidied and better focused lounge room wall 4. New inspirational diary Do everything you can to have the sort of year you want. Don’t leave it to chance. Spend the […]